Tuesday 20 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #2 By Edward [Lee Taemin Version] Chap #26

Onew : yosh ! kaja !! *totally excited n quickly run leaving others - acts like a child ♥ *
Jonghyun & Key : *also very excited n quickly chase Onew*
Minho : aeigooo y did they r all act like children ??? *annoying , pouts n put his arm around u* kaja , (ur name)-ah !
Taemin : YAA !! what abt me !?? what abt the luggage ??? r u guys trying to escape from lifting these heavy luggage ??? am i ur servant ???
Minho : err *makes a fake hesitates face* dae~ am i wrong ??? *smirks when see Taemin's angry face*
u : *moves Minho hand from ur shoulders* nae let me help u ... *go next to Taemin n starts lift some luggage*
Minho : dae ?? *weird* ya .. let him alone ! i just thinking abt bullying him ...! *unsatisfied*
Taemin : daee !??? so u put my name in the list without talk to me 1st just to bully me !?? *mad n abt to chase Minho*
Minho : *abt to run n stops when suddenly u grab Taemin's hand*
u : if u think u can escape n leave me carry all of these things , ur totally WRONG ..... *look at Taemin with the fierce eyes - actually u try to give a sign to him that u need to talk something to him n wanna be alone with him*
Taemin : *understands the sign , blushed , cover his face n look at Minho* urgghh ! dae~ dae~ u successfully escaped from me TODAY .... but not next time ..... u better join the others before i 'eat' u !
Minho : *smirks* lalalala~~ u can't catch me~ u can't catch me~ *walks away*
(once he's gone)
Taemin : *starts helping u carry the luggage* ya , (ur name)-ah ! let me carry the biggest one .. it must be the heaviest ... *take a big luggage from u*
u : o ? dae ... *give him the luggage*
(while Taemin's engrossed with the luggage n since u guys r now alone ...)
u : *hesitates* did u see ...?
Taemin : *looked up at u* see what ?
u : *look at Taemin seriously* im asking u ... did u see ???
Taemin : *a few seconds passed before he realize what actually ur talking abt* ahhh~
u : what 'ahhh~' !? u still not answering me !! *blushed*

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