Monday 12 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine [Lee Taemin Version]


CHAP #15
u : huhh .....? who did he think i am !? he think i'm his wife or what !??
Jonghyun : huhh .....!?
Key & Onew : what .....?
u : *look at 'em* what ?
Minho : what did u say just now ???
u : what did i say !? *puzzled*
Onew : u said ... "he think i'm his ......"
Jonghyun : Wife ! ..... or what ~
u : *shocked n regretted for be angry too much* wh ..... what .....? *blushed*
Minho : ehehehe ~~~ *evil smile*
Onew & Jonghyun : WoWoooow ~~! *malicious smile*
Key : well ~ well ~ well ~~ *winks*
u : what !? i'm just angry just now when he suddenly asked me to prepare his own food ! *panic n talking very fast*
Jonghyun : ya , (ur name)-ah ! ur blushing .... *evil smile , go behind u , stroke ur neck softly n whisper with a scary voice* u better tell us or ...........
u : HEY ! THAT'S SHIN SEKYUNG !! *point at somewhere*
all of 'em : *look at where ur pointing* where !? where !??? *then look back at u*
Key : there's no Shin Sekyung ...........!
all of 'em : *shocked for awhile* ya , where's (ur name) ???
Onew : there she is ! *point at u who's running away*
Jonghyun : YAA !!! how dare u runaway from us ! TELL US !!!!
(all of 'em r chasing u)
(the whole corridor is full of noise till all of u reach the class)
u : *saw Taemin n quickly sit next to him , gasping*
Taemin : *shocked n feel weird* ya , weirae ??? y did u guys r all running ?? having marathon WITHOUT ME ???????
u : *trying hard to catch a breath* r u crazy ? we .... we ..... *still gasping*
Taemin : okay okay ! catch a breath 1st !
(Minho , Onew , Key n Jonghyun r all sitting at their own seats n glance at u - also still gasping)
Taemin : geez .... i thought there were drift cars in our school *smirks* but then i realize it's u guys ! what happened ??
Onew : actually ........ *look at u*
u : *shake ur head hardly when Taemin's not looking at u*
Jonghyun : we're having a race just now !
Key & Minho : dae ! absolutely !
u : *feels relieve*
Taemin : dae !?? what !? WITHOUT ME !!!???

To be continue~

Written by :
(Edward Potter)

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