Thursday 8 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine [Lee Taemin Version]


CHAP #13
Jonghyun : yaa ~~! what's wrong !?? u better tell us ! that 3 chicky girl attack u again , huh!?
Key : i will make sure they all will be death soon ........ *with scary eyes n his voice seems a threat*
u : ya ... there's nothing to do with that 3 girls ! i just fell n my head suddenly hit the wall ! it's an accident !
Onew : u were bleeding ? *see the bandage got some blood spots*
u : ermmm ......... *touch the bandage on ur head softly* its just a bit .. btw , it's not hurt at all ! believe me *winks*
Minho : honestly ...? *suddenly press on the wound*
u : OUCHHH !!!! *quickly move Minho's hand n cover the wound* what r u doing !?? *mad*
Minho : u said its not hurt at all ~~ *smirks*
u : aeigooooo ......... *complaining*
(suddenly someone pulled u from back n something that makes u feel warm n comfortable hit ur forehead - exactly on ur wound*
the whole class : *suddenly be quiet n dumbfounded*
Taemin : *look at u who was amazed* feel better ?
u : *dumbfounded too*
the whole class : WOAHHHHHHHH !!!!!!! he KISSED her !!!
Taemin : *ignore the others n talk slowly that only u can hear* im so sorry abt the incident just now ... i really didn't mean to pull u that hard .... :p so , feel better ?
u : *be startled n quickly nod ur head* dae ...... dae !
(n when u guys r abt to go to ur own seats ...)
u : *whisper to Taemin* ya , gwaechana .... u don need to act like what u did just now ! *sit*
Taemin : *sit next to u , look at u n brow lift* wae ? what have i did just now ? *smirks*
u : u ...! *blushed*
Taemin : dae ? what have i did ? *wide smile*
u : u ... u kiss me ......
Taemin : ahh ~~ its just a normal kiss . just a friendship kiss . Minho n i also kissed many times on the lips ... *winks with malicious smile*
u : *shocked n eyes wide open* dae !??
Minho : o ?? wae ??? y did u shout ? *weird*
u : *look at Minho n Taemin with uncomfortable feelings b4 look straight* nothing !
Taemin : *laugh softly*
u : (in heart : gosh ... he laugh ! so kyeopta ~ ♥ )
Minho : dae ? what have u said to her ?? *whispered to Taemin with a scary voice*
Taemin : nothing ~~
Minho : yaa ~!

To be continue~

Written by :
(Edward Potter)

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