Tuesday 6 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine [Lee Taemin Version]


Key : yeah !! that's my son !! >.< *hug Taemin tightly*
Jonghyun : YA !!
Key : i'm getting bored for hugging u only ! sometimes i wanna hug someone else too ! wekkk !! XP
Jonghyun : *sulking*
Taemin : *get choked cause Key hug him too tight* *cough* YAA !!! let me go ! u strangling me ! uhukk !!
Key : ahaha .... sorry ..... :p
Onew : haha ~ ya , Jonghyun-ah ... people may think that u r a gay ! stop flirting with Key , pls ?
Key : yea i like u *winks at Onew*
Onew : *make a gross reaction n look at other side*
Key : haha don make that face ! im just joking !
Jonghyun : ahaha ! well ... i am the Skin-ship King btw , Onew-ah ! not a gay at all ! im a true man *winks*
Onew : whatever ~
u : haha ! btw , Taemin-ah ! i'm sooo glad to hear ur going too *smile n pinched Taemin's cheek*
Taemin : *shocked when u pinched his cheek n look at u with brow lift* wae ?
u : o ?
Taemin : u said just now .... ur glad to hear im going .. ur hoping that im going too .. wae ?? *look into ur eyes sharply*
u : huhhh ........? err ...... *panic when realize that ur inadvertently spoke something that u should not say*
Jonghyun : ahaa ! gotcha !! *giggles*
Key : aeigoo !! wae ? wae ? wae ???? tell us the reason ! XD
Minho : NEW COUPLE !!!! *Minho n Onew get over excited*
Taemin : o ...? *shocked n blushed*
u : YA ! of course im glad ! just like u guys right !?
Jonghyun : u mean ur glad as friend ...?
Key : but i don feel like wanna believe u ....... *malicious smile*
u : *glance at Key*
Key : just joking !
Minho : no new couple ??? *disappointed*
u : yes , yes n yes again !
Onew : but i still think u guys look cute together ...
SKRETTTT !!!!!!! (chair's sound)
all of u : *look at Taemin*
Taemin : stop talking nonsense pls ? *walk away*

To be continue~

Written by :
(Edward Potter)

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