Tuesday 6 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine [Lee Taemin Version]

all of u : *be quiet n scared while looking at Taemin's shocked reaction*
Taemin : d .... dae .......? *look at Minho*
Minho : err ...... hehehe ..... peace ....! *make a 'peace' sign with innocence face*
Taemin : u ...... *stands up with evil face n walks towards Minho*
Minho : omg .... RUN FOR YOUR LIFE !!!!!!!!! *quickly run out from the class till hit a few desks*
Taemin : DON'T YOU DARE MOVE EVEN AN INCH !!!!!!!!!!! *with the red face , really mad n chase Minho*
Jonghyun , Key & Onew : HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!
u : omg ........... *dumbfounded*
(one class period ended)
Jonghyun : ya ! YA ! look at that ! *point at a messy guy who standing in front of 'em n Jonghyun can't control himself from laughing*
Onew : HAHAHAA !!!
Key : *laughing too* HAHA ! ya ! where's that monster ??
u : monster !? that's bad ! X( *look at Minho who got messy hair n clothes too !* aeigoooooo .........! i told u to not to mess up with Taemin !
Minho : dae ~ dae ~ *whisper* but ur glad he's going too right ? *winks*
u : what did u say !??
Minho : nothing ~~ *innocence face*
u : *annoying* then ? where's Taemin ??
Key : o .. where is him ??? i didn't see him .. *look at Minho*
(suddenly Taemin get in the class with a tight face)
Taemin : aiegoooooo !! its all because of u ! *glance at Minho sharply*
Minho : o ..? *quickly hide behind Key*
u : *poke Taemin's shoulder* ya , weirae ??
Taemin : *look at u 4 awhile b4 sits* teacher already book the seats so i have to go too !
u : *kinda happy but control ur face* aeigooo just go ! it must b good if we go 2gether right ?
others : dae ! she's definitely right !
Taemin : *look at u , brow lift n exhale* huhhh ..... fine then .. im going .. *moody face*

To be continue~

Written by :
(Edward Potter)

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