Saturday 31 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #2 By Edward / Edika [Lee Taemin Version] Chap #41


-Taemin POV-
did i misheard or it is true that i hear (ur name) is crying just now ??? my heart is beating really fast n i try to hear it clearly .... "is there anyone's out there .......?? palli .......... *crying n talking really slow* it's really dark in here ....... " i heard it again ! i was right ! it is (ur name) ! yea that must be (ur name) ! i walk around to know that which door has (ur name) in it ...... gosh .. i really dislike elite schools ! there's too many toilets here ! but i can't hate this school cause i meet her here .. i continue walk around again .. the crying voice is sounds louder when i come nearer ........ n then i stop in front of the last door , which (ur name)'s voice could be heard clearly .... she's really crying ! i couldn't stand it when hear her cry n .......... BAMMMM !!!!!! i crashes the locked door n the door is finally opened , showing (ur name)'s covering her face , shivering ........ she's already take off her cap n shows her beautiful long hair . she looks beautiful like when she's in the girls' clothes before .. but that's not an important thing now ! "(ur name)-ah ......." i call her . she get a shock n looked up , stands n suddenly hug me , which is really make me shocked n blushed ! "i thought u'll not coming ..... i thought u still mad with me .....i was hoping u'll come ...." i could feel her tears on my shirt n i pat her back softly .. "maybe i try many times to make myself hating u .. i try to forget u . yea i am mad with u . but i can't ignore u .. honestly , i can't hate u ... i'm going to protect u ... saranghae ...."
-ur POV-
seriously i don't feel anything when i see Taemin crashed the door ... instead of relieve ... relieve cause i'm free from the true darkness ... relieve cause i know Taemin is still care abt me ... n when i listen to his confession ... i don't know which one i should stand for ... my ego or my heart ... no , i think i'm going to follow my heart .....! but honestly , i don't know how to answer him so i just hug him n doesn't let him go cause i can't look at his face !! X( aeigooo it is so an embarrassment !!
Minho : dae ...... don ever care abt me ... just continue ur sweetest moment~
u : *quickly let Taemin go n have a great blush !*
Taemin : *seems disappointed when u still not answering his love confession*
Key , Jonghyun n Onew : *just join u guys*
Key : pheww ! there u r ! we r all so worry abt u ! what happen ???
u : i ... i don know .. i'm in the wash room when someone's cover my mouth with cloth .. n everything's going black .. when i was awake , its too dark n quiet ..
Onew : ur in the ladies wash room so the kidnapper must be girl .. n i think u guys must think the same thing like me ..
Jonghyun : 3 girls from cheerleader ??
Key : gosh i hate them ! i'll report this to the headmaster n make sure they're all were suspended ! *get out from the wash room , followed by Jonghyun .. Onew ... n Minho*
Taemin : *abt to follow but stops when u grab his arm*
u : *look down to the floor while talking slowly* how ur going to protect me if u leave me alone here ........?
Taemin : *take a few seconds before understands ur means n smile widely* i'm not leaving u ! i'll always protect u cause ur my lover from now on ♥ *take u in his arm*
u : *blushing , just let him strokes ur long hair while u still in his arm*
Taemin : *whisper* u might be harsh in front of us but ur actually a sweet girl behind us , u might be like a tomboy for others but ur always a girl in my heart .. u might be slight ego n stubborn but for me , it makes u look cute ! ur forever my lover .. saranghae !

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