Thursday 29 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #2 By Edward [Lee Taemin Version] Chap #39


Taemin : *pick out his phone n dial a familiar number*
On The Other Line : yobosaeyo .............?? sorry i'm so sleepy right now ... i'm begging u , please ... could u please look at ur watch right now ?? but it's okay , if u don't have any watch , let me tell u that its already 12.30 AM !!!
Taemin : *get away the phone from his ear for awhile n continue to talk* aeigooo ........ hyung-ah ! i might be deaf earlier even though i'm the maknae ! wake up !
On The Other Line : maknae ........???? *thinking for awhile* ahhh~ mianhae i'm a bit blur since i'm still sleepy ... *yawning* weirae ???
Taemin : aishh .......... *still complaining n then voice change* ya , hyungnim ! (ur name)-ah ......! (ur name) ............!
Onew : huhh ????? what's wrong with (ur name) ????
Taemin : (umma's name)-yomonim called me just now .............. *gasping while get into the car n starts engine*
Onew : *trying to calm their dearest maknae* calm down , Taeminnie ~ calm down ! just talk slowly .. i'm listening ! don't need to be such-- .........
Taemin : *cut Onew's words* (ur name) is missing !
Onew : whatever but all u need to do now is be patient n stay calm-- DAE !!???? (ur name) is missing !??
Taemin : dae ..... (umma's name)-yomonim said (ur name) is still not home ! n we never see her in the class after recess right ???
Onew : dae .....! so .. what should we do now ???
Taemin : i'm looking for her ! i'm driving to school right now ! let us meet there !
Onew : o ! i'll call the others ! *hang up*
(the members reach the school at night n looking for u . after an hour , they're still not find u)
Jonghyun : ya , Minho-goon .. i can understands if Taemin is super worried abt (ur name) ...... *Taemin : yaa !* but i still can't get it if u r worrier than Taemin was ... wae ??? *feel weird when Minho was 'over-acting' than Taemin*
Minho : (ur name) ..........
Taemin n others : *look at Minho n feel very curious*
Minho : she scared of the darkness ....... i know because i saw she was shivering in the dark .. she said she was cold but what i can tell u , she's cheating ..
Taemin : *shocked* then what r we doing now !!??? let's continue looking for her !! *suddenly get mad , leaving others n continue serching*
Key : *whisper to Jonghyun* r we look like Sherlock Holmes right now ?? *winks n laugh quietly together with Jonghyun -don't dare to laugh hardly cause scared Taemin will hear*

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