Friday 9 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine [Lee Taemin Version]

CHAP #14
_______A WEEK PASSED_______
(u hang out during recess with the 'Princes of School' for the whole week but always avoiding Taemin - actually Taemin doesn't realize abt it till finally ...)
*all of u hang out under a big n shady tree in the middle of the greeny field n all of u bring the food from home cause u guys don go to the canteen often*
Minho : ya , (ur name)-ah ! *poke ur arm*
u : oo ....? *look at Minho*
Minho : i think ur food seems like different from the previous days .....
Key : hmm ?? *look at ur food* o ! the wrapper seems like a bit messy .. n the food also seems like destroyed !
u : *a bit pissed off* dae ! dae ! my maid who always cook for me take a day off today ! i don like the other maid's cook so i try to make one for me ....
Jonghyun : huhh .......? *shows a gross mimic*
u : yea i know it ! i'm not good in cooking at all ! stop looking at me like that !
Key : HAHA ! i just said it seems like destroyed but its just based on the shaped .. *try to calm u even though his face seems gross too*
Onew : *be quiet full of manners by only pay attention with his fried chicken*
Minho : dae ... i think the kimchi was baked well !
u : *with the annoying face*
Minho : *try to persuade u* ya , (ur name)-ah ! let me taste some .. fed me ! *open his mouth*
u : aeigoo ....... *irritated n abt to fed him*
(suddenly a hand hold ur hand n ur actually fed .....)
Taemin : hmm ........ its taste good even though the views r terrible !
Minho : YAA !! just this time she's willing to fed me ..... *disappointed reaction*
u : *shocked n dumbfounded*
Taemin : *ignore Minho , look at u with a sweet smile* believe me ! its taste really good ! plus , its better than Key's cook
Key : YA ! *unsatisfied*
u : o ....? *blushed*
Taemin : *still smiling* u just have to keep it up with how the food's look ! so , i think starts from tmr ... i don wanna bring any food anymore ! ya , (ur name)-ah ! tmr n the next days , bring 2 sets of food , is that okay ?
u : *be startled* HUHH !? ohh ....... okay .. i'll ask Aunt Mary (ur maid) to make 2 sets next time ...
Taemin : i don want ur maid's cook .. i want YOURS
u : WHAT !?? i said it ! im not good in cooking !
KRINGGG !!!!! -recess ended-
Taemin : okay ! remember , *look at u* 2 sets ... *winks n walks leaving u n other members*

To be continue~

Written by :
(Edward Potter)

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