Thursday 29 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #2 By Edward [Lee Taemin Version] Chap #38

(in the same time in the class .........................................)
Jonghyun : ya .... weirae !!???
Key : what's weirae ?
Jonghyun : u guys r all seem just like worrying that Jessica's ghost is already back ! weirae ??? c'mon ! let's cheer up ! i'm bored ....... *depressed*
Onew : nahh .............where's (ur name) ????? just if she is here , i can continue bullying her ! i was really enjoying when tickle n bully her in the previous days in the cafe on the ship ...............
Key : aeigooooo ................ *laugh softly* luckily she's not peeing in pants after was tickled by 4 PERSONS ! if i was her , i might already be in the grave ...... *mehrong*
Jonghyun : don worry ~ i'll never allow that happen to u ! i'll protect u from even being touched ! trust me ..........! *winks*
Key & Onew : *both make the gross mimics like wanna throw all things they've ate during recess that just ended a few minutes ago -u didn't hang out with 'em*
Jonghyun : *suddenly laughing hardly* HAHAHA !! LOL !! i'm just joking ! u don't have to make such a gross mimics like that ! seriously , u make me feel wanna laugh like crazy ! HAHA !!
Minho : *seems like bored with the topic n realize something* ya , did anyone of u see (ur name) after or during recess ??? where is she ???
Onew : i bet she's in the wash room ... i saw her get into the ladies wash room just now ! but i think she must have already leaving the wash room ......... it's already been too long !
Taemin : *seems like uninterested with the topics that related to u -he's really upset after was rejected by u on the ship*
(At Night)
~Jojo issun umagi hurultae nol saenggakhae eh eh eh~
Taemin : *woke up n answer the call w/o knows who's the caller -he feels too sleepy* yobosaeyo ...........?
Umma : Taemin-ah ?? is that u ??
Taemin : huhh ? dae ... i am .. who's that ?? *couldn't recognize the voice well*
Umma : i'm (ur name)'s umma .. is (ur name) with u ???? *sounds worry*
Taemin : err ani .... wae , yomonim ??
Umma : *starts crying* (ur name) should have be back at least at 10 but its already 12 at night ! Umma n Papa r both worrying abt her !
Taemin : *get shocked* DAE !!??? (ur name)'s missing ?? i'll help looking for her , yomonim ! *quickly hang up the call , change the shirt n get out of the mansion*

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