Saturday 24 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #2 By Edward [Lee Taemin Version] Chap #31


Taemin : DAE !!!??????
Minho : *quickly get out n run away to avoid Taemin's "Firey Kick" WOAHH SOMEBODY HELPPPPPP MEEEEE !!!!!!!!
(AT THE CAFE -Breakfast Time !)
*u have to sits next to Taemin since it was the only one seat that is empty n available*
Taemin : *doesn't realize that u sits next to him cause he keep watching Minho at every steps n sometimes he drinks some water from a glass at his left*
u : YAA !! Taemin-ah ! that's my drink !! y don't u drink urs !!?? ur drink is at ur right ! *mad when see the drink filled only a quarter of the glass*
Taemin : *be startled , look at u n get shocked* HUHH !!??? (ur name)-ah !!?? what r u doing here !???
u : *feel weird n u lift ur eyebrow*is it weird if im taking breakfast here ?? in fact i've already sits here for more than an hour ago . r u dreaming or what ? *pouts*
Taemin : err ...... haha ! dae ... mianhae , (ur name)-ah .. *look back at Minho who's now looking n smirking at him*
Minho : (ur name)-ah ..... i think actually he's dreaming abt a few incidence that just happened lately~ OUCH !
Key : *shocked n accidentally throw away the spoon at somewhere* ya , Minho-ah ! weirae !??
Minho : *talking slowly* he .... stepped on ..... my foot ..... just now ........ *eyes welling while holding pain*
u : *get shocked* (in heart : a few incidence that just happened lately .... ? did he mean ...... he's already knows abt what happened between me n Taemin !?? i hope no ... ) *hoping*
[while Key is keep worrying abt Minho .....]
Jonghyun : *suddenly grabs Key's shirt collar n whisper with a devil's tone* u better look for where u have threw ur spoon just now or i'll kill u .....
Key : err ... oppssss ......... *feel guilty when see the dirt on Jonghyun's face*
Jonghyun : HAHA ! oppssss ! wow such an easy style of apologize ! is that a new style !?
-temporary disruption of air-

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