Thursday 15 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine [Lee Taemin Version]

  CHAP #21
u : *too shocked till ur heart seems like have stops beating* no .. nothing ! we're just playing around !
Jonghyun : o .. oo !! dae .. we're just joking around !
Key : haha ! ya , Jong-ah ! ur really good in cheating haha !
Minho : aeigoo ..... pls don playing such a serious matter like that ..... *sit on his own seat n starts relaxing - seems like he just lift a big n heavy rock n really tired*
Taemin : *look at u (who's blushing right now n doesn't look him back) for awhile n sit between u n Minho (his own seat)*
Key : *look at Minho* wae ?
Minho : dae ?
Jonghyun : u said 'don playing like that' .. wae ?? *brow lift*
Minho : cause i'll lose my chance if (ur name) love Taemin for real ~
Taemin : *who's drinking bottle water suddenly get choked* uhuk ! uhuk !
u : *shocked too , poke Taemin's back softly to make him relieve n look at Minho* what nonsense r u talking abt !??
(Key n Jonghyun r facing difficulties in stop laughing)
Minho : LOL ! dae ~ dae ~ im just playing around ~ joking around ~ if u guys can , y i can't ~?
u : *feel annoying n pouts* so , in the practice just now , who wins ?
Taemin : u think ? *winks*
Minho : huh ! of course ! like usual .......
Key : aeigooo ...... Taemin again ?
(Jonghyun who almost stops laughing , continue again)
KRINGGGG !!!!!! -recess time-
Onew : *suddenly appear from a group of girls* ya , kaja ! its recess !
(all the members all stand up n getting impatient of recess time)
u : *suddenly heart beating fast when think abt Taemin's reaction after eat the food that u prepared by urself*
Taemin : ya , what r u doing ? palli ! the others already leaving !
u : o ? oo ....! dae ! *quickly follow Taemin* (in heart : is he waited for me just now ?? y didn't he just leave me like others ..? n maybe i should just say that the food was made by Aunt Mary ...)
(under the tree)
Taemin : aeigoo ......!! im so hungry !! *look at u with an aegyo mimic*
u : don need to make that face ! here u go ! *give him the food* (in heart : this time the wrapper is good .... should be okay ....!)
Onew : ya , u guys really look like husband n wife ~ *wide smile*
u : *blushed n irritated* geez ....!
Taemin : *ignores Onew n quickly eat the food*
u : *look at him with the mixed feelings*
To be continue~
Written by :
(Edward Potter)

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