Monday 12 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine [Lee Taemin Version]


CHAP #17
________AT SCHOOL________
u : morning guys !!! *shouting when u r standing right next to 'em*
(all the members cover their ears tightly cause u shouted too loud)
Taemin : YAA !! *complaining to himself*
Jonghyun : r u ready to be died faster ???
Key : u really hate ur life huh ???
Onew : i think she's missing Mr Monster ..... *scary mimic*
Minho : aeigoo ........ *suddenly change to a gentleman n put his arm around u* don ever do that again , okay ? *touch ur nose for a second*
u : dae ~ dae ~~ *mehrong*
Taemin : *be quiet n look sharply at u n Minho - Minho's arm still around u n u seems like comfortable abt it*
Key : *poke Jonghyun*
Jonghyun : *look at Key* wae ?
Key : *nodded to Taemin - ask Jonghyun to look at Taemin*
Jonghyun : *look at Taemin n quickly kick Onew's leg - seems he kicked too hard*
Onew : OUCHH !! *shouting*
u , Minho n Taemin : *shocked n look at Onew* weirae ???
Jonghyun : *cover his face*
Key : *step on Jonghyun's leg hardly*
Jonghyun : aeigoo ....! *hold the pain n whisper to Key* sorry .. sorry ..!
(all of u get in the class n have a normal class)
KRINGGG !!!!! -recess time-
(all of u go to ur hang out place - under the tree in the middle of the school's field)
Jonghyun : ya , Taemin-ah ! where's ur food ??
Taemin : i think i said last day ...
u : here u go ! *give him the food*
Taemin : *shocked for awhile n then , delighted*
Key : hey ! the wrapper seems neater than last day !
u : ohh .... i woke up late this morning so i asked my maid to prepare it .. *ur cheating n u look at Taemin with a guilty face*
Taemin : *seems disappointed* then , i don wanna eat it . take that n throw with other trashes , u eat it or just give to others .. *put the food aside*
Minho : aeigoo ... that's mean ... *mehrong*
(Minho , Key , Jonghyun n Onew r all looking other sides n continue eating their food - don wanna interfere u n Taemin)

To be continue~

Written by :
(Edward Potter)

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