Wednesday 7 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine [Lee Taemin Version]

CHAP #10
Minho : oii Taemin-ah ! where r u going ??
Taemin : nowhere ... *walk out*
all of u : what's wrong with him ??? *puzzled*
u : *feel guilty*
___________A WEEK PASSED_____________
(non of the members including u never see Taemin during recess)
Onew : aeigooo !! Taemin disappear again !?
Key : dae ~ he said he's going to the toilet but never get back again but i bet he'll come back to the class when recess ended , just like previous days ..
Jonghyun : aeigoo ! its already a week !
Minho : b4 this , (ur name) didn't want to hang out with us .. n now when she with us , Taemin disappear !
u : u talking abt me ??? i think he doesn't like me .. maybe he'll be back if im not with u guys ... *wondering*
all the 4 : WHAT !!??? don say u'll leave us !
Key : i spent 3 hrs just to persuade u last week !
Onew : n continue with me for 4 hrs ! i rather lost phone credits just to call u at night !
Key , Jonghyun & Minho : DAE !!?????
Jonghyun : YA ! (ur name)-ah ! how could u gave ur phone number to only him !
u : no i didn't ...!
Onew : hardworking will always have the good results , u know ? search by urselves ! XP
(Key & Jonghyun suddenly strangle Onew)
Minho : ya , (ur name)-ah ! give me ur number too !
(u have to give all of 'em ur number)
u : ok .. just try one day .. i'll just hang out somewhere *smile n walk away to the place u used to hang out b4 - roof*
(in front of the door to the roof)
u : *open the door* aeigoo !! i didn't come here for a week ! *stretch*
(suddenly u heard a voice)
Voice : ahh ~ so 'the heaven up there' means the roof ?
u : *shocked n look back* TAEMIN !?
Taemin : gotcha ! *winks*

To be continue~

Written by :
(Edward Potter)

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