Wednesday 7 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine [Lee Taemin Version]

CHAP #11
(u saw Taemin sits on the floor right next to the door)
u : huhh ??? what r u doing here !?? we all looking for u ! where have u gone for this whole week during recess !??
Taemin : nahhh ... like i said to Minho just now ... nowhere but H.E.R.E ... Here ! how can u ask me that question while i'm sitting right in front of u ? *brow lift*
u : err ..... *pouts n sit for awhile* u r really expert in answering question , right ?? *stand up back*
Taemin : well ~ :p
u : so ... well ~ well ~ well ... now i caught u here .. what r doing here ?? being alone .....
(suddenly Taemin put his forefinger to ur mouth to ask u to be quiet)
u : *shocked when Taemin touched ur lips* w .. weirae !?? *put Taemin's hand aside*
Taemin : *smile* nothing .. just want u to keep quiet . ur talking too much ! y don't u stop 4awhile n have some drink ? *give u a bottle of Coke*
u : *complaining* urgghh ! yea okay fine ! i'll just shut up ! now i realize , the boys don't talk too much , huh ? so from now on , i'll control my mouth ... *take the Coke from Taemin*
Taemin : *suddenly cut ur phrase* No ! if u say like that , i rather want u to talk more .. like a normal girl , (ur name) .. u r a girl ! not a boy !
u : *shocked* huh ? wow , im amazed that u still assume me as a girl even though im in the boys clothes right now !
Taemin : *be startled* what ? hmm ..... u don wear the girls clothes like last week , huh ? y ?? i rather like to see u in girls clothes *killer smile*
u : *heart's beating fast n u look other side* wae ? do u hate it when im in the boys clothes ? i think if im in the boys clothes , we will be more comfortable to interact to each other , right ?
Taemin : *be quiet n realize something* ya , y did u keep standing from the beginning ?? sit down ! my neck's becoming tired cause i keep looked up to see ur face !
(actually u wanna sit at the 1st but feel uncomfortable to sit next to him)
u : hmm ...? ahh ~ then don look at my face ! my face will be melted if u keep looking at me *giggles*
Taemin : haha ! if ur a candle , i'll be the water that put out the flame .. if ur an ice cube , i'll be the freezer that make u stand still .. *smile*
u : *blushed but pretend like nothing* wow ! so sweet ~
Taemin : well ~~ i am a sweet guy .... *winks* come on ! sit here ! *point next to him*
u : err ...........
Taemin : gosh u r so stubborn ! *pull ur hands n u fell on his body*

To be continue~

Written by :
(Edward Potter)

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