Thursday 15 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine [Lee Taemin Version]

CHAP #20 
Papa : approve what ??? *get in the kitchen when heard the noise*
u : errr .....! no .... nothing ! *shocked n panic*
Umma : yeobo ! we r gonna have a son in-law soon !
Papa : huhh ..!?? really ?? *shocked* finally .. my daughter has become matured .. *feel touched n strokes ur hair*
u : no .. he's just my friend .... *blushing n u talk very slow that papa couldn't hear it*
Papa : gwaenchana ! gwaenchana ! i approve .. *smiles* u better get ready or u'll be late to school ! *get out from the kitchen with a wide smile*
Umma : *continue Papa's word* n late to meet that lucky guy ~ *winks* tell me his name !
u : huhh ...... he just my friend ....!
Umma : dae ~ dae ~ so ... y don u try to cook by urself ??
u : huhh ....... *feel uneasy when u remembered the members' reaction at ur 1st time cooking ur own food* andwae ........
Umma : ya waee ~~~ !?
u : umma , im not a good cooker !
Umma : *smile* but i am ~ im ur mother after all ~ im here as ur commandant ! *winks* Mary , gwaenchana ! let me prepare for my daughter n future son in-law- (u : umma !) 's food ! plus , once u've done preparing (papa's name)'s n my breakfast , u can go n take a rest *smile*
Aunt Mary : ohh sure ! kansamnida samonim ! *move away to prepare breakfast*
____________AT SCHOOL_____________
(In The Class)
*Taemin n Minho r the members of Basketball Club n they r the main players so they were called by the coach to practice*
Jonghyun : urghh ! just if Minho n Taemin were here ... the tense situation here will be funnier !
u : r u sure ? 'tense situation' ? really ?? if u try to be more concerned , then u'll notice that only us r having 'tense situation' in the middle of chaos in the class right now ...! *then both of u pout*
Onew : (gone with the girls)
Key : aeigoo Onew is very popular among the girls .. *feel irritated*
u : hmm ? i thought all of u r popular ?
Jonghyun : yes we r .. *proud* but Onew as the leader , he's the most popular .. oh yea ! Taemin , as the maknae , Onew's tight rival ! *laughing*
u : *suddenly speechless* (in heart : ohh .. Taemin is really popular among the girls huh ? so y did he really close with a tomboy like me ? instead of the cute girls out there ...?)
Key : dae ! dae ! Taemin is more popular than Onew actually but Taemin doesn't interested with the girls ~ don worry , (ur name)-ah ~ *smirks*
u : *shocked n blushed* w.. wae !?
Jonghyun : aeigoo aeigoo ~ aei ! *makes an annoying face* still denying !?? just admit that u like him ! (suddenly .....)
Taemin : what did u say just now ? *shocked face* 
To be continue~
Written by :
(Edward Potter)

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