Wednesday 21 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #2 By Edward [Lee Taemin Version] Chap #27

Taemin : Okay , fine ! I did see but not more than that ...! I swear !
You : What do you mean by "more than that" !??
Taemin : Err .... I mean .. Its normal for a girl to wear like that right ?? Some people just walk to shopping complex sexier than that ! *innocently mehrong*
You : Sexier !???
Taemin : Err ... Urrgghhh ...!! Just forget about it , nae !?
You : *pouts* Whatever ! Just forget about the incident in this morning ! Just forget about what happened ! Just forget about whatever you saw in my room ! *blushed and quickly walk away with the luggage*
Taemin : Woahh ... Is she really that shy ??? *speechless for awhile before chuckles softly and carry all the left luggage as he follows you from behind*
(On The Ship)
Key : Woahhh !!! *excited when the ship is exactly in the middle of the sea*
Jonghyun : *from a higher place , shout* Woahh !! Kibum-ah ! Come here ! Join me ! I can see everything clearly from here ! *over excited and run around*
Onew : *join Jonghyun* Woahh !! I still can see the island that was located far away from here !!! Ya , Kibum-ah !! Come here and join us !
Kibum (SJ) : Huhh ?? Did you call me just now ?? *get out from a group of SJ's members*
Key : *quickly shout out loudly* YAA !! I told u to CALL ME KEY !! You make him get confused ! *nagging like a mother*
Kibum (SJ) : Ahh~ Its not me ....... *pouts and mehrong before get in back into the group of SJ's members*
Onew : Dae~ dae~ Key-yah ! Get up here ! Join us !!
Key : Err ... I don't think so ....... *hesitates*
You : *suddenly appear next to Key* Wae ? You scared of the height ??? *brow lift and smirks*
Key : An-- ann-- Anniya !! Me ?? Scared of heights !? Of course not ! Impossible ! *panic and force a laugh to cover*
You : *smirks and pull Key's arm* Then , what are you waiting for ?? KAJA !!! Minho-ah ! Taemin-ah ! help me too !
Minho : *who's sitting on the lounge chairs with Taemin* Anni ! You pull him by yourself ! *mehrong* We'll just sitting here ~ right , Taemin ?? *look at Taemin and shocked when Taemin stands up*
Taemin : I'm coming !!!! *run towards you and Key as he helps you*
Key : YAA !!!!!!! Damn you , Taemin !!! You betrayed your omma !!!!!
Minho : (In Heart : Since when did Taemin's rather choose to help instead of taking rest ???) Hmm ...... That's interesting ..... *malicious smiles*

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