Sunday 25 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #2 By Edward [Lee Taemin Version] Chap #33


Taemin : *heartbroken n quickly walk to other way n lose in the dark*
u : *trying hard to escape from Minho* y .....YAA !!! *push Minho away* what the hell r u doing just now !!!???
Minho : huhh ?? ermmm .......... i kissed u ?? *make a totally innocence face*
u : but why !??
Minho : wae ? ahh~ maybe ur keeping ur lips for someone else , am i right ?? *winks*
u : *get shocked n blushed* (in heart : luckily its dark right now or he must have see my face r blushing !) d .... dae !?? what do u mean !??
Minho : *smile full of meanings* nothing ! *get his face closer to ur face*
u : *try to avoid him but u can't go anywhere since there's wall behind u*
(Minho is getting too close to ur face till u can feel clearly Minho's warmness on ur cheek)
Minho : *whisper* ur lips r really soft ... i like it ... *walk away n get into his room leaving u who got heart beating fast*
u : *speechless for a few minutes , get into ur room n u rubbed ur lips many times with water* idk y but i don like when he kissed me !!! *mad but then speechless* i said i don like he kissed me .. but y when Taemin kissed me , i don act this bad ??
__________3RD DAY ON THE SHIP_________
(u keep avoiding the members for the whole day , especially Minho n Taemin)
Jonghyun : *pokes u* yaa ........ what r u doing ??? *feel weird when see u keep spying somewhere -actually u wanna see whether Taemin n Minho's r there or not*
u : WARGGHHH !!!!!!! *get shocked n look back at Jonghyun n u see he with Key n Onew - all of 'em only wear short pants n seems like they're just done from swimming in the pool* huhhh ........... *feels a big relieve*
Key : wae ? y did u keep spying from beginning ???
Onew : y did u get shocked just now ???
Jonghyun : y did u seems like just having a big relieve when u see the three of us ???
the three of 'em : y did u keep avoiding from us since this morning ???
u : *dumbfounded* aeigoo .... which question must i answer 1st ??
Key : its up to u ! *smirks*
u : hmm ..... where's others ?? Taemin n Minho ??
Onew : errrrr ................... *hesitates to tell u*
u : *feel weird* wae ???
Jonghyun : they r having an argument just now ... idk where both of 'em already gone~

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