Tuesday 20 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #2 By Edward [Lee Taemin Version] Chap #25


(in the car)
Taemin : HERK !
Onew : *driving* YA ! ur disturbing with ur 'herk ! herk !' *copying Taemin's* i can't focus to drive !
Jonghyun : mianhae Taemin-ah .... but as long as i can get to the school safely .. i have to do this ...... *strangling Taemin*
Taemin : YA~ ! HERK !
Key : *join Jonghyun* ya , Minho-goon ! help us ! (ur name)-ah !
Minho : *quickly hold Taemin's hands that try to escape* don ever u think u can escape from me~ (ur name)-ah ! hold the other hand ! *see Taemin's left hand is still free*
u : err ...... nvm ....... *smirks n pouts*
Minho : yaaa~!! *quickly catch Taemin's left hand* gotcha !!
Taemin : yaa !! *cough* uhuk uhu- ..... HERK !
the trio : *suddenly let Taemin go* urggghhhhhh !!!! i'm fed up already !!
Onew : YA ! we reached the school ! woahhh we're the last group arrived here ??? it's all because of u !
u : dae~ dae~ mianhae ~! but u can't put all blame on me ! u guys make me missed a few minutes by suddenly enter my room just now .... remember !??
Key : oo dae .... i think ur right .....! *hesitates*
Jonghyun : but it will be more fun if we get into ur room before u put on ur shirt , isn't it ?? *joking with a malicious smile*
Taemin : *shocked* HERKKKK- .....
(BAMM !!!)
Taemin : OUCHH !! (ur name)-ah ! THAT'S HURT !! *hold pain*
Key : *shocked* finally u could say one phrase perfectly without hiccuping ! *delighted n pokes Taemin's back*
Jonghyun : ya , (ur name)-ah ! teach me , what did u do to make him stops disturbing ! *smirks while looking at Taemin*
u : i stepped on his feet ...? *brow lift n get out from the car*
Minho : BRAVOOO !!!! HAHAHA ! *with a cute expression when laughing n he pokes ur back many times while also get out from the car like others*
Jonghyun : woahhh ! i wanna try it too ! *look at Taemin's feet maliciously*
Taemin : *moves away* don't u dare .....!
Onew : andwae ! i'm afraid his leg is the on n off button ...!
Jonghyun : huhh ..........? *dumbfounded*
Key : he means he scared if u step again on his feet , he may starts hiccuping again .... *mehrong*
Jonghyun : nonsense ...... *abt to steps on Taemin's feet*
Teacher : okay guys ! everybody come here pls !!

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