Thursday 8 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine [Lee Taemin Version]


CHAP #12
u : ouch ! it's hurt ! *try to stand up but suddenly stop when u realize that u fell on Taemin's body* gulp !
Taemin : oppss ! mianhae ! gwaenchana ????? *too worry n look at u*
(both of u suddenly keep quiet when both of u can't stop from stare at each other's eyes)
Taemin : *get his face closer to ur face .... near ...... near ..... get closer .. too closer .....! n ..........*
u : YA !! what the hell are u trying to do !??? >.< *blushed n quickly pushed Taemin away*
Taemin : *shocked n speechless for awhile* err ..... nothing ! i just wanna take a look at ur ur swollen forehead ! i think ur head hit the wall just now ... when u fell down ... y ? *brow lift*
u : huhh .....? really !?? *blushed n quickly touch ur forehead to cover the swollen forehead* uhh .... yea i can feel the swelling .. i think i better to go the infirmary room now ...! *quickly stand up*
Taemin : yea ......! i think so ! u better go now ! it may be worse if u get any problem with ur brain right ? *giggles*
u : yaa ~ ! its not that bad ! haha ~! *quickly go out and stops after close the door n u cover ur face with ur hands* aeigooo !!! so embarrassing !! *quickly go away*
Taemin : *still sitting at the same position* omfg ...... what the hell am i abt to do just now !!??? *grab his hair tightly* urgghhh !! im going crazy !
KRINGGGGG !!!!!! -recess ended-
(in the class)
Key : ya Taemin-ah ! did u see (ur name) ??
Taemin : *get shocked n panic* a ...... ani !
Jonghyun : *suddenly appear next to Key* o ? y did u seem like suddenly panic n kinda nervous ??? *curious*
Taemin : *shocked for listen to Jonghyun* huhh ...?? ANI !! my heart is still Mine ! its not belong to anyone yet !! *suddenly stands up n walk out from the class hurriedly*
Jonghyun : o ? did i say anything abt 'heart' just now ???
Onew : i don think so .... *getting blur*
(all the trio were puzzled)
Minho : ya (ur name)-ah ! what happened to ur head !?? *quickly walk towards u n touch ur head*
(all the 4 members were shocked when see the bandage on ur forehead)

To be continue~

Written by :
(Edward Potter)

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